Oksana was born in 1984 (Ukraine, Kiev region). The musical education she has got in the Kiev Glier Music College (1999-2003) and Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine (2003-2007). After graduation Oksana has got Diploma of a Master of Music.
During this time Oksana was taking part in many international and national piano competitions. Also she has successfully completed the Master-classes with Therese Dussaut (France) and Norma Fisher (Great Britain) during International Summer Music Academy (Kiev, 2000; 2002). Oksana has got a “Hope” Prize at the “IV international competition for young pianists in memory of Vladimir Horowitz” (Kyiv, 2001); the First Prize at the international competition “ХХI Century Art” (Kiev-Vorzel, 2001). Also she has many national awards.
As for concert activity Oksana has regularly solo performances and performances with orchestra at the famous stages of Ukraine.